Saturday, November 8, 2008

Growing Baby

It is hard to believe that Sydney is already 4 months. We went to the Dr. on Oct. 30 and she weighed 13.6 lbs and 24 inches. She also had to get her shots. I hate being a mom during that time. That is usually why Greg comes with and he gets to hold her legs down. But this time he couldn't make it so I got to be the proud mama. It was fine til I looked down and one nurse had already poked her twice and was done while the other one still had the first needle all the way in her leg. Poor girl.
She settled down fairly quickly which was nice because I had to rush over to Brooklyn's Halloween parade. And boy talk about making it in the nick of time, I walked in the front door and they were finishing the parade and her class was last so I barely saw it. So I went into the class room and she was crying to her teacher saying I didn't get to see her. I felt so bad. I talked to her about where I was and why I was a little late and then I showed her where she got her shots. Brooklyn was then more concerned about Sydney's well being, so that was good.
But I still felt bad, so I stayed for the rest of the party. It was fun to see her interact with her classmates. I was glad I got to stay and watch.

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